Write Greppable Code

When writing code, strive to ensure that named things can quickly be found by their name. Avoid using interpolation, clever pattern matching, or string assembly to translate names because this makes them harder to find. Be explicit, don’t invent names based on their context.

Why? πŸ”—

Other teams in the business know only the name of the thing thing, not the implementation. Therefore, using their name means that the implementation is self-documenting, and other engineers can quickly use that name to find where it is used.

Examples πŸ”—

Ruby πŸ”—

In this example, assume that there are events generated for a β€œSign Up Created” event. A non-engineering team uses this exact term to inform business decisions.

Do this πŸ”—

def track(event:)

track(event: "Sign Up Created")

Not this πŸ”—

def track(event:)
  event_name = event.split(".").last(2).map(&:capitalize).join(" ") # => "Sign Up Created"
  Analytics.track(event: event_name)

track(event: "membership.sign_up.created")

Javascript πŸ”—

Don’t use a Regular Expression when a plain ole string will be easier to grep for:

Do this πŸ”—

const ids = ["nav-desktop-menu-toggle", "nav-mobile-menu-toggle"];

if (ids.indexOf(someElement.id)) {
  // ...

Not this πŸ”—

const regex = /#nav-(desktop|mobile)-menu-toggle/;

if (regex.match(someElement.id)) {
  // ...

HTML class attributes πŸ”—

Newer versions of CSS allow us to style things based on partial matches of the class name. This should be avoided.

Do this πŸ”—

div.alert-success {
  /* styling */

Not this πŸ”—

div[class^="alert-"], div[class*=" alert-"] {
  /* styling */

Reference πŸ”—
