Prefer request specs over controller specs

Request specs are preferred over Controller specs.

Rspec’s 3.5 release notes

The official recommendation of the Rails team and the RSpec core team is to write request specs instead. Request specs allow you to focus on a single controller action, but unlike controller tests involve the router, the middleware stack, and both rack requests and responses. This adds realism to the test that you are writing, and helps avoid many of the issues that are common in controller specs.

👎 Controller specs 🔗

👍 Request specs 🔗

🏎️ Speed 🔗

Comparing the run times of a controller and request spec showed that the request spec is 20% faster than the controller spec.

Controller spec 🔗

RSpec.describe Billing::CheckoutController do
  it "redirects to stripe checkout session url", :mock_stripe do
    user = create(:social_user)
    log_in_as user
    bootcamp_price_id = stripe_helper.create_price(id: "bootcamp_test_id").id
    subscription_price_id = stripe_helper.create_price(id:

    purchase_bundle = create(:purchase_bundle, price_ids: [bootcamp_price_id, subscription_price_id])

    get :show, params: { id: purchase_bundle.slug }

    expect(response).to redirect_to("")

Request spec 🔗

RSpec.describe "Billing Checkout", type: :request do
  it "redirects to stripe checkout session url", :mock_stripe do
    user = create(:social_user)
    log_in_as user
    bootcamp_price_id = stripe_helper.create_price(id: "bootcamp_test_id").id
    subscription_price_id = stripe_helper.create_price(id:

    purchase_bundle = create(:purchase_bundle, price_ids: [bootcamp_price_id, subscription_price_id])

    get billing_checkout_path(id: purchase_bundle.slug)

    expect(response).to redirect_to("")

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