Don’t use sleep in specs

Sometimes if we’re waiting for some javascript to run or an operation to complete we might add a sleep in our specs.

The problem is that this can create non-deterministic specs and forces our entire test suite to slow down based on how many seconds we sleep!

Bad πŸ”—

sleep 1

Good πŸ”—

# Capybara will automatically wait until element is visible, up until a timeout
expect(find("#element")).to have_content("login failed")

Bad πŸ”—

stub_const("Livestream::LiveEvent::EXPIRATION_TIME", 1.second)

Livestream::LiveEvent.update(foo: "bar")

expect do
  sleep 1.5 change { Livestream::LiveEvent.exists? }.from(true).to(false)

Good πŸ”—

stub_const("Livestream::LiveEvent::EXPIRATION_TIME", 1.second)

Livestream::LiveEvent.update(foo: "bar")

expect do
  travel 2.seconds change { Livestream::LiveEvent.exists? }.from(true).to(false)