Prefer constant lookups over constantize
Rails constantize
and safe_constantize
methods are handy for writing dynamic code very quickly, but give maintainers no information about what should be allowed as a dependency. Data structures (sometimes known as registries) that take a known value and return a constant are easier to maintain and modify. This becomes especially important when class names have the possibility to be stored as strings in the database.
Bad 🔗
This code assumes some form of Step
will be passed to a class; however, it will accept any string.
class Flow
def current_step_from(step_name, params)
# Flow.current_step_from("AboutYouStep", { foo: "bar" }) # => #<AboutYouStep { foo: "bar" }>
# Flow.current_step_from("Topic", { foo: "bar" }) # => instantiates an unexpected #<Topic { foo: "bar" }> object
Good 🔗
A hash data structure helps maintainers know what types of objects should be returned from a dynamic function:
class Flow
"AboutYouStep" => AboutYouStep,
"PickKeywordsStep" => PickKeywordsStep,
"CompleteStep" => CompleteStep,
def current_step_from(step_name, params)
# Flow.current_step_from("AboutYouStep", { foo: "bar" }) # => #<AboutYouStep { foo: "bar" }>
# Flow.current_step_from("Topic", { foo: "bar" }) # => raises KeyError